Alcanfor (Spirits of Camphor)


Pure Camphor infused in high grade organic alcohol. This is the same made our grandmother used to make traditional “alcanfor”.

This is traditionally used as a spiritual protection spray and to clear out heavy energy. Spray the room or spray your neck!

In curanderismo camphor is sometimes used to help move “mal aire” out of the body.
Back in the day spirits of camphor were used topically for pain and can be found in many modern day topical ointments found in drugstores to alleviate discomfort from arthritis, fibromyalgia and muscular soreness.


Two (2) Fluid Ounces

The information here is for education purposes only and is not approved by the FDA. We do not diagnose, treat or provide medical advise. Please do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

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